
PROTECTOR Episode 21

Deviation Actions

ChristheHalfWerewolf's avatar

Literature Text

Episode 21
…Close Your Hands and Make a Fist
[Part Two]

     The dark arm collides with the ground in a sickening thud.

     Chris pulls himself from his leaning position against the hull, the tapered tip of large sword in his right hand touching the ground.

     The single-edged weapon is as long as he is tall and, lacking a hilt, is the width of his hand at the base of the blade. The angelic and demonic runes engraved into the flats of the blade shine in the sun as he tilts his body toward the black creature, positioning his large sword so that the unsharpened side nearly rests against the side of his head.

     The wolf swings the massive blade, causing a long arc of black and white flames to erupt from the very air and blaze towards the preacher.

     The black creature runs directly towards the oncoming ballistic attack, leaping into the air, the crescent passing through the space between his feet without harming him, while raising his right arm, a long, skeletal axe erupting from where Chris had severed his forearm.

     Chris raises his weapon, catching the axe on the side.

     The preacher’s mouth unhinges and drops down, an explosion of sound knocking the wolf back.

     In a blur of silver fur he rushes right back, locking his weapon with the black preacher’s and throws his left arm forward. The hand locks with the jaw and pulls back while his body drops down; catapulting the black body through the air and smashing him face-first into the ground.

     Chris leaps onto his chest, pursuing his advantage, and brings the gigantic sword in his hands down, piercing the black preacher’s skull in an explosion of gore.

     Pulling it out with a jerk, he begins to walk back towards the entrance to the ship.

     As soon as he touches the ramp, a spike of earth knocks him into the air, causing him to land on the top of the ship.

     “I’m immortal here fool…” The black creature appears on the metal plating in front of him, the hole in his face becoming filled by new bone, spikes, and skin.

     “Immortal my-” Chris says as he stands up.

     The preacher plows into him, bowling him over backwards towards the rear of the ship.

     The wolf grins, grappling the creature as he tumbles, “I’m going to prove you wrong!” He heaves backwards, sending them further down the side and over the side, forcing both of them to let go.

     A long knife erupts from its sheath, stabbing into the black creature’s remaining hand and pinning him to the hull of the ship.

     Just in front of the engines.

     Chris claps his hands once as he falls, managing to barely slap the cool metal on the underside of the ship.

     In a blast of force the engines of the Phoenix activate, ripping the black creature to shreds and incinerating the remains.

     The wolf lands and begins running alongside the ship as it gouges the disappearing ground, stopping only to pick up his dropped weapon.


     Zar steps on the broken ground, the weight of his powered armor causing the stone and asphalt to shift. He cracks his neck in an attempt to relieve the heat building up within the dense black and yellow armor plating. His hand pulls on the clip in his assault rifle, double checking that it is full, then slaps it back into the slot.

     “Not too much longer now…”

     He turns to look at the soldiers behind him: all lives willing to risk everything.

     He was near the point at this time, less than two minutes from the highway.

     A metal hand is placed on his left shoulder. His head turns to find Paronis grinning at him, the single horn protruding from her forehead an odd contrast to the purple and black armor she is wearing.

     “You survived!”

     Zar frowns, “you say that as though you didn’t think I could survive on my own.”

     “It’s not that I didn’t have faith in you…” She begins a hysterical fit of laughter, “It’s just that… I mean come on… You, own your own!”

     He grins, punching her in the shoulder, “finally rediscovered your humor?”

     “Yeah,” Her rabbit ears twitch. “Say, who’s that? It better be your girlfriend.”

     He looks to see the experiment, donned in a black and sea green armor, who had retrieved him earlier waving to attract his attention as she runs towards him.

     “Nope, don’t know her!” His pace quickens for a second before being slowed by Paronis’s arm once again.

     “Aww… isn’t that cute, you’ve taken the heart of a girl from the medical squad. Little Zar is beginning to grow up!” A second later her face is in the dirt, propelled by the teenager’s fist.

     The experiment catches up to them just as an explosion occurs just over the next ridge of rubble.

     Everyone raises their weapons and roars a battle cry, charging forward into the battle zone.

     The die has been cast on their asphalt Rubicon.
Episode 21
... Close Your Hands and Make a Fist
[Part 2]

The battles are beginning... and war looms evermore on the horizon.
© 2006 - 2024 ChristheHalfWerewolf
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Therony's avatar
One thing I've noticed is you use alot of sentences beginning with The. While it doesn't bother me, others will despise it, thinking its reptition.

But this section I simply loved reading I can never get over Chris' expressions in a fight. lol